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Ultra Express 70 High Strength 3100°F Castable

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This is a stabilized low-cement castable, which makes its setup time more predictable. It takes 30-40 minutes to work.  

Ultra High Strength 70 percent Alumina.  Mostly very fine powder, it also contains some small aggregate.

It is considered a self-levelling refractory.  It performs optimally with 2 percent SS needles (406 or 304).

While most castables weaken as temperatures increase, Ultra Express's capacity increases with its maximum strength (over 20,000 psi) at full temperature.

Use a steady power mixer. It uses very little water.  While guidelines state 5.3-8.3 percent water, most people find the 8-10 percent range works best unless mixed and applied optimally with a paddle mixer and vibration casting.  Experience has shown that it is so strong that a little extra water won't be noticed in most forge applications. 

Mix for 5 minutes. The product will look too dry at first but suddenly liquifies after 3 minutes. 

Ultra Express 70 is very tolerant of Welding Flux.  Though welding flux may stick, it won't penetrate or destroy it, as flux does to most (especially insulating) castables.

We have one special refractory that is superior to Ultra Express 70. It is almost Teflon to welding flux, but though costly and finicky, it's brilliant. If you are interested in a special casting of 'Flux Teflon Castable,' contact Sean at the shop.  

Click here for SDS.


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