- last price $159.90
MIZZOU: CASTABLE PLUS is a versatile high-strength 60% alumina hydraulic bonded 3000°F refractory.
Mizzou: is a handpackable, dense, strong 3000°F refractory with great abrasion resistance.
Another castable called KS4V+ is a slightly better insulator, but Mizzou is stronger, especially at max temps. (~3500 vs ~4500 psi), though both are very durable.
Both are popular with burner blocks (ribbon burners). (KS4V+ is a favourite building pizza ovens). Mizzou also has good flux resistance.
A 'poking' rod or dowel is helpful for material packing to the bottom of forms when a vibration table isn't available, though tapping or a palm sander against the form can help. Though guidelines recommend 9% water, sometimes an extra couple of percent is helpful to optimize 'home-based' applications when a professional vibration system isn't available (Some find 11-12.5% works well). Use a power-mixer for 3-5 minutes and plan on 20 min working time.
*Forte: Stabilized and Fortified for optimal curing consistency and strength by CFF.
Sizes Available:
Click here for Application Instructions, Mizzou Plus SDS & Technical Data Sheet.